I bought some new items from Tokyo Kawaii Life again! If you guys haven't seen my "first" order, here's the link to look back at it! (I put quotes around it because I've ordered from the site before, but I just started posting about my purchases this year~) I keep telling myself to stop purchasing from the site, but I can't help it when I see some sales and items I just have to have. 😅 (I'm very weak when it comes to Liz Lisa if you already couldn't tell 😭) Now, I said in my last post that I wasn't interested in buying any of the Autumn items, but after seeing a lot of cute items online and on Instagram, I just couldn't help purchasing some of them!
So here's what I've been waiting for from my Tokyo Kawaii Life #2 purchase!
🍂 Vintage Rose One-Piece in White (ヴィンテージローズワンピース)
This dress has probably been one of the most seen Autumn dresses on Instagram! I definitely wasn't planning on buying it, but when it went on sale for 30% off, I just couldn't help it. It is such a simple, but classic Liz Lisa print~ This one-piece actually came in the popular color, bordeaux, which I absolutely LOVED! But since I don't think I'm comfortable yet wearing such a statement color in public, I settled for the white version. :) Hopefully I'll get used to wearing more colors other than white and pink from Liz Lisa soon. ^_^